Grow Castle

Grow Castle

Grow Castle is a tower defense game where players build improvements on their castle while it’s under constant siege by hordes of monsters. Luckily, each time you beat a wave of enemy attack, you’ll earn money. With that money you’ll be able to purchase improvements for your castle.

Improving your castle’s defense system is extremely useful because it’ll add on more life points to your specs, and it’ll also unlock new spaces where you can position your heroes. These heroes are the units that you’ll have to trust in order to defeat monsters.

Among your heroes you’ll find warriors, archers, and several kinds of spell casters. Each hero is capable of using a special ability that you’ll set into motion by tapping them. Warriors, for example, allow you to invoke a group of soldiers that’ll stop your enemies in their tracks. Mages, on the other hand, cause a devastatingly huge amount of damage along all enemy fronts.

Grow Castle is an outstanding tower defense game that offers a gaming experience that’s simple, straightforward, but above all fun. The game also includes hundreds of different levels, and of course they’ll get harder and harder to beat as you play.

Grow Castle Review

Grow Castle is a tower defense game available on Play Store. First of all, you have 3 heroes, low hp castle with 3 slots and a few archers. You send the waves of orcs and other monsters against your castle, gain points of experience and money. So you can raise your skills and buy new heroes, increase the number of archers or upgrade your castle which gives you additional heroes slots and castle endurance. And it’s just a couple thing what this game offer, but I don’t want to divulge it. Explore by yourself!

Okay, there is not advanced graphics like in some Play Store apps. But nobody expects it. Grow Castle is a typical minimalistic game, where everything is based on simplicity and extended options.

Nothing is easier than play that game, but there is something which makes it so addictive. Of course that you probably won’t play this instead of some super badass game on PC, but as I said, it’s a very good option for cutting time on the bus stop, at work, in a traffic jam. Thinking and attention aren’t required.

Like in the other games also there we can find micro-transactions, which can pretty much boost your game. This game has a multiplayer concept, but still, it’s more singleplayer, so there is no need to buy anything just because you want to be better than others.

Extra Tags: Grow Castle, Download Grow Castle, Grow Castle Download, Free Grow Castle, Grow Castle Free, Grow Castle Game, Grow Castle play

The best idle defense game. Endless waves, autobattle, world map, clans, season ranks, boss dragons, customize all of your heroes with upgradable equipment.
  • Updated constantly
  • Free
  • Fun and addictive
Gameplay - 8.4
Graphics - 8.5
Audio - 8.6
Longevity - 8.5

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