Hot Lava

Hot Lava

The Floor is Hot Lava!

Hot Lava transports you back to your childhood imagination. Relive those moments of excitement, joy, and chaos. Run, jump, climb, and surf in first person across nostalgia-packed environments flooded with hot molten lava. Explore alone, or join your friends. This is a game of dexterity and ingenuity, you will have to use all your skills to complete the treacherous obstacles that await.
And whatever you do… Don’t Touch The Floor


  • Together: Conquer challenging worlds with up to eight friends with drop in-drop out multiplayer.
  • Traverse: Run, jump, climb, swing, boost, and surf in first person across lava filled worlds. Mastering execution will take dedication and skill.
  • Explore: Detailed environments jam packed with childhood nostalgia.
  • Compete: To find the fastest route using shortcuts and expert execution on the friends leaderboard.
  • Avoid: lava, toxic waste, bottomless pits, and crushers. Danger is around every corner.
  • Create: Hot Lava comes with a level construction kit for Unity. Share your creations on the Steam Workshop.

Hot Lava Review

What a simple but fun game and coop, so how can you complain???

Graphics: The graphics are not amazing, the lava is nice and effects but they are not super like Battlefield but what do you expect from this type of game, it’s decent in it’s own way and overall an enjoyable graphical outlook on this type of game.

Audio: The audio is extremely simple and nothing that wows or jumps out. I turned off the music because I found it a little annoying, but otherwise it’s alright.

Controls: Super easy to get used too, nothing to master with controls side apart from the jumping to solve. Easy pick up and master to do this game.

Game-play and everything else: The game is purely a jumping puzzle that maybe you played as a kid or with your kids. Also it’s like Garry’s Mod going through the jumping puzzle and surfing mode rolled into one!

The game has a set amount of puzzles in each area, I like that if you choose a zone and are doing a puzzle, you can still talk to others while they do a different puzzle, that’s nice.

There are hidden golden pins to find in each level, they are fun to figure out.

The jumping puzzles themselves become very easy I found after you done a few. Some are better than others and this is more for a game to play with others than alone. I do enjoy doing the jumping puzzles, plus repeating ones I’ve done trying to get faster times which again, is awesome because there is a world leader board and at the moment I right this review, I am proud to say I am first and top 3 in quiet a few, so happy days.

Would I recommend? Yes 100% It’s a great game and overall a good experience and something different to the market which is great.

Extra Tags: Hot Lava, Hot Lava download, download Hot Lava, free Hot Lava, Hot Lava free, Hot Lava full, play Hot Lava, Hot Lava play, Hot Lava dl, Hot Lava pc

I recommend this game to anyone. It's challenging, friendly, fun and sells at a good price. Maybe a disclaimer: If you tend to get mad easily then I hope you have a spare keyboard.
  • Fun

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