Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Dracula, weak and yearning release from immortality, must reclaim his powers and defeat Satan. An epic fantasy adventure set in an expansive modern-day world!

Awoken after centuries of slumber, weakened and yearning for release from his immortal bonds, Dracula must reclaim his powers and make a pact with Death, to defeat Satan and gain eternal rest. Blood is everything as Dracula faces both his nemesis and his descendant’s unyielding quest for revenge, in this final, dramatic battle between good & evil. Play as Dracula and discover the ultimate fate behind the ‘Lord of Shadow’ himself!

As in the previous game, the player controls Gabriel Belmont, now known as Dracula. During the game’s opening sequence the player is able to control Dracula while he still possesses all his powers as well as all of his weapons. Dracula’s main weapon is his Shadow Whip, a weapon that is comparable to the Combat Cross from the original Lords of Shadow. Replacing the magic system from the previous game are the Void Sword and the Chaos Claws. The Void Sword can replenish Dracula’s health when used while the Chaos Claws can be used to break through enemy defenses and deliver powerful attacks. The story mode in Lords of Shadow 2 has been stated to be far longer than the previous one. The game is mainly an open world, allowing the player to choose what route to take. Lords of Shadow 2 features a movable camera, something that was not available in its predecessor.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 includes a High-Definition Texture Pack. Recommended for systems with at least 1Gb of dedicated video memory. This pack can be enabled from the Advanced Settings, in the Video Configuration menu.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Review

Story takes place few days after post-credits scene in Lords of Shadow and few centuries after Mirror of Fate, Gabriel Belmont known now as Dracula hides from world in his isolation, resulting in his lack of power. Tired of his immortality he decides to help his former enemy Zobek to stop Satan from returning to human world. To do so first he must regain his powers, then eliminate all the Acolytes hiding in Castlevania City. Through the journey our protagonist also must survive his inner battle to preserve his human emotions. Overally the story is darker than in first game, not really better but definetely not terrible either.

Gameplay has been much improved since Lords of Shadow 1, we still proceed through locations by walking, climbing and acquiring skills to backtrack and get previously unavailable upgrades, BUT now the camera is not locked, which was the biggest issue of the first game. The new issue however are stealth sections that were executed really poorely. Fighting has been divided to 3 styles, default is focused on Shadow Whip and is preety similar to what we saw in original LoS, switching to Void Sword and Chaos Claws changes the fighting completely, both cannot be held forever cause they are limited by amount of magic in Void and Chaos gauges that can be replenished by dealing damage to enemies flawlessly (using Whip only). Sword heals you while damaging opponents, but Claws increase the damage and allow to break shields. Every style might be upgraded by spending earned money in menu, there is also skill mastery level that increase while using those skills. I have got to admit that combat here is real fun (Take that haters).

Through ths game we will encounter 2 types of locations, mostly you will spend time in modern places, that (let us be honest about this) suck, too simple similar places filled with same boring climate. On the other hand we also have visions, where we enter gorgeusly made castle full of unique atmosphere and colorful rooms.
Soundtrack is good, but would be even better if it had some trafitional rock sounds.

Well, yes, the game has many drawbacks but thanks to enjoyable gameplay, good plot and quite nice boss fights it stands as a criminally underrated Slasher definetely deserving more attention. It is not as good as the first Lords of Shadow, not even as good as Symphony of the Night but definetely worth playing.

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If you are in doubt about this game, dont be, BUY IT NOW! If you are a fan of vampires, werewolves, legends, Dracula, Dragons, And all the mythology of Castlevania, you need this game now.
  • Beautiful gothic architecture to explore
  • Impressive enemy and boss designs
  • A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to the game and trilogy
  • A weak start
Gameplay - 8.1
Graphics - 8
Audio - 8.2
Longevity - 8.1

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