Concrete Genie

Concrete Genie

Concrete Genie follows the heartwarming journey of a bullied teen named Ash, who escapes his troubles by bringing his colorful imagination to life in his sketchbook, while exploring his hometown of Denska – a once bright and bustling seaside town now polluted by Darkness.

Ash discovers a mysterious lighthouse, where he finds a magical paintbrush charged with ‘Living Paint’ capable of creating magnificent masterpieces that can purify Denska’s polluted walls.

Ash must harness the magical properties of his powerful paintbrush to eliminate the Darkness polluting Denska with the help of the mischevious Genies he creates along the way.

Can Ash overcome his personal struggles and paint his hometown back to life?

Ash is an adventurous young teen with an incredible imagination. An eager artist and a dreamer, his imagination bursts from him onto the pages of his sketchbook, and into the world around him. Exploring the dark corners and alleyways of Denska, his hometown, Ash breathes life into the world through the power of creativity.

Once a thriving fishing community, the town of Denska has been left a gloomy shadow of its former self. After a massive oil spill poisoned its waters, the formerly vibrant and bustling town is now all-but abandoned, blanketed in oppressive Darkness and inky black waterways. Now, with a group of rowdy kids vandalizing its darkened streets, Ash may be the only person who can bring Denska back to life.

Explore the streets of Denska and use magical ‘Living Paint’ to restore Ash’s hometown from Darkness. Use the DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller to create your own vibrant street art designs in this colorful adventure. Find the scattered pages of Ash’s favorite sketchbook across Denska to expand your design toolset.

Concrete Genie Review

In simple terms, this an adventure about a boy who embarks on a quest to remove a mysterious black ooze which is plaguing his hometown. At its heart, however, Concrete Genie is so much more than this.

After discovering said paintbrush, players control Ash as he journeys through the different sections of his hometown using the DualShock 4’s motion controls to paint over the malevolent force which is destroying it.

These paintings are all free-hand, and are 100% crafted by the player.

In a gorgeous neon-lit style, players can choose from dozens of designs ranging from wildlife and plant life, to astrology and the solar system – all of which instantly animate once they have taken their place on the walls and buildings throughout Denska.

As each design is instantly so beautiful and dynamic, it is almost impossible to create a bad-looking painting on each surface; conversely: it quickly becomes incredibly easy to get wrapped up in working on your design meticulously to make it the best it can be. On numerous occasions I found myself going back to retrace my street art to make it even better.

But the real meat of game lies in creating various concrete genies to assist Ash in overcoming obstacles that stand in his way.

Concrete Genie’s puzzles and challenges are enjoyable, and are extremely satisfying once they have finally been bested – however as there is a correct answer to each obstacle, the fun may not hold up in recurring playthroughs.

These play styles include elements of action RPGs, and boss battles – which is a little daunting after spending the first five hours merrily painting on the walls.

Blessed with a deftly crafted Pixar vibe, Concrete Genie plays out like an emotional kids movie, with wonderful animations and heart behind each scene.

Simply put, this is truly a unique game, which both art and movie lovers will absolutely adore.

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Most of what Concrete Genie has to offer is fun and beautiful in a sort of childlike way. The game is not particularly difficult, and overcoming a puzzle or combat scenario isn't always satisfying. But it's ultimately still an endearing experience throughout.
  • The concept of bringing positivity with beautiful artworks is cute and well-executed
  • Interactions between Ash and the genies are sweet and fun to watch
  • Fluid movement makes exploring a joyous experience
  • Combat feels shoehorned into the final act
Gameplay - 8.4
Graphics - 8.5
Audio - 8.4
Longevity - 8.6

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