

You want to build beautiful cities without investing hours on end into stressful resource management? Say no more! ISLANDERS should be right up your alley.

ISLANDERS is a minimalist strategy game about building cities on colorful islands. Explore an infinite number of ever-changing new lands, expand your settlements from sprawling villages to vast cities and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

If you’re thinking about buying ISLANDERS please keep in mind that we are a very passionate but small team of three. This is not a blockbuster experience with hours and hours of content. What we’d like to offer you is a simple game that lets anybody create and explore their own little worlds, while providing enough depth for players who want to challenge themselves. And you can get it at the price of a medium sized pumpkin spice matcha caramel latte.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have feedback, questions, or problems with the game. We’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible and provide support if needed. Also let us know if you enjoyed the game, because that makes our day!

This game offers you:

  • Intuitive and rewarding city building gameplay
  • Endless amount of procedurally generated islands
  • A relaxing atmosphere
  • Beautiful, vibrant colors
  • Great for playing every now and then, discovering some new islands and beating your high score

The gameplay of ISLANDERS is pretty intuitive. You start with a set of buildings in your inventory that you can place on your island. Placing buildings is rewarded with points. The amount of points you get depends on what surrounds the buildings when you place them. Gather enough points to refill your inventory and unlock new buildings.

Once your city is big enough you may choose to travel to the next island (they are generated procedurally, so you can literally keep exploring forever). If you run out of buildings the game ends. This is where you high five yourself for beating the high score, take a proud last glance at the epic city you’ve built and start just one more round…

Islanders Review

Islanders is a charming and relaxing puzzle strategy game, wrapped in the guise of a city builder.

Islands are randomly generated and you’re given options for which building packs to choose. You have to try and think ahead to what space you have and what buildings will compliment each other, and then fit them into the terrain in a way which maximises your points. Some will be complimentary to each other, whilst others detrimental, and slowly you build up your settlement into something that hopefully looks pretty and has a high enough score to continue. You need to meet progression levels to continue on to a bigger island and if you run out of buildings before you get there, it’s game over. Your highest score is pitted against other steam players to calculate your global rank, giving you something to strive for if you’re so inclined.

Islanders is the perfect example of a simple game done well. Completely minimalistic in design, it nonetheless offers a completely satisfying level of strategy and gameplay. Most of all it just feels very calming to play it, serene and soothing – something I definitely need right now. My friends may be grateful for a concise review for once, to match the game.

My new gaming zen!

Extra Tags: Islanders, Islanders download, download Islanders, free Islanders, Islanders free, Islanders full, play Islanders, Islanders play, Islanders dl, Islanders pc

I didn’t enjoy this as much as I thought I would. I hoped it would have more puzzle elements and scenarios to aim for rather than purely score based objectives. Due to its very reasonable price I would still recommend this game, however. It is very relaxing to play and underneath its simple exterior does lie a deeper challenge.
  • Very relaxing with a melodic soundtrack
  • Easy to play but more complex than first appears
  • Very reasonably priced
  • No objectives to obtain apart from a high score
Gameplay - 7.8
Graphics - 7.9
Audio - 7.8
Longevity - 7.9

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