Mark of the Ninja Remastered

Mark of the Ninja Remastered

In Mark of the Ninja, you’ll know what it is to truly be a ninja. You must be silent, agile and clever to outwit your opponents in a world of gorgeous scenery and flowing animation. Marked with cursed tattoos giving you heightened senses, every situation presents you with options. Will you be an unknown, invisible ghost, or a brutal, silent assassin?

Upgrade new tools and techniques that suit your playstyle and complete optional objectives to unlock entirely new ways to approach the game. Finish the main story to unlock a New Game Plus mode with even more options and challenges.

Mark of the Ninja consists of stealth-oriented 2D platforming. The character is required to sneak through a series of environments while staying out of sight of guards and performing silent assassinations. Levels are divided into areas of light and darkness; the player character is visible to enemies in the former and invisible in the latter, though passing within a certain immediate distance of an enemy’s face results in the player being spotted irrespective of lighting. Sounds such as running may also give away the player character’s location and are represented visually by a rapidly expanding circle. Unusual for a platformer, Mark of the Ninja employs a line of sight mechanic, meaning that enemies which would be invisible to the character are also invisible to the player, though their sounds are represented on screen in the same manner as the player character’s.

Mark of the Ninja Remastered Review

If you’re someone such as me who hasn’t played the game in at least a couple of years, there’s no better time to go back and re-experience it. Before the remaster came out, I noticed some hate brought up against it for being a “cashgrab”. After having given the remaster a try, I can safely say, this was not a poorly done job.

Knowing how Klei handles their focus on projects, I can praise them for having the tendency to return to older games. This is either to expand upon them or make fixes. Though they didn’t do this the same way here as for example, the standalone Don’t Starve, Mark of the Ninja Remastered was brought up to snuff with their newer games. Presumably building upon the original’s code, no 720p compression on the visuals alone would make this the definitive version of the game. But here and there, some small improvements were made. A notable one I saw thus far was a more animated feel in places, such as with the Marked Ninja on the main menu. Another is the ability to activate the developer commentary while using controller input. Though I haven’t played too far, I’m certain I will bump into more as I play.

Thus far, I have noticed no technical issues with this remaster. It plays and works exactly as it did as when I played it back in 2016. The product itself still holds up as one of my favourites, if not my favourite stealth game. It is evident a lot of consideration went into how to transfer sneaking and detection mechanics into a two dimensional space. The movement is fluid and is partially what allows for a range of options when going through levels, even when you are starting out. A wonderous aesthetic is created with the striking theme, which sets the bright city and rooms apart from the dark ventilation shafts and hiding spaces. Looking at the fluidly animated and riveting cutscenes makes me want to give Mulan or Samurai Jack a watch. Not to mention the feel of the soundtrack fits perfectly with the ninjitsu and ancient traditions seen throughout the game. This is a unique experience I can’t recommend enough.

I urge you to buy this remaster, even at full price. It is well worth picking up, whether you never played the game or only owned the original. If you got this for free for owning the 2012 Steam release and its special edition DLC, having enjoyed beating it, replay the game this way as soon as you get the chance.

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Mark of the Ninja is that rare game that gets all the hallmarks of a platformer right while distinguishing itself as a unique and fulfilling adventure. With its tense pacing, its shadowy ambiance, and the endlessly satisfying act of slipping past an entire squad of guards, Mark of the Ninja is an excellent adventure that will leave its mark on you for months to come.
  • Excellent controls and a wide range of abilities
  • Well-designed levels with increasing difficulty
  • Hidden artifacts and challenge rooms encourage replay
  • Memorable visuals and story-based cinematics
  • Far sight ability disrupts the momentum
Gameplay - 8.4
Graphics - 8.5
Audio - 8.6
Longevity - 8.5

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