

As a lightning-fast acrobatic ninja rabbit, you can choose how to approach each encounter. Do you want to pick off enemies one at a time like the killer in a slasher film? Dive into the thick of it and fight whole groups in a frontal assault? Steal the most powerful weapon you can find, and turn it on the rest?

If you die, there is never any load time; you can try again instantly! As your skills improve, you’ll see that the game is not about winning. It’s about experimenting to make the coolest action scenes that you can. Every design decision is made with that in mind, from the mouselook camera to the context-sensitive combat controls.

After completing the story modes, you can try out all the mods that players have created with the integrated editor! If you want to play as a human character in a city, or try a whole new campaign, or even fly around as a bat, there’s probably already a mod that makes that happen.

Overgrowth Review

I’d say the game is probably worth about $10, so purchase it on sale. Sometimes the combat is all right, but it’s mostly just about mashing buttons. The modding community is where Overgrowth could really shine.

Back in the day, the graphics were phenomenal. Now, the models are very low-poly and the textures are very low-resolution. I’m not even sure if everything has normal/bump, roughness, and specular/metallic maps. The lighting is generally nice, however.

As others have mentioned, the campaign is very short and lacks any real substance. I wasn’t expecting much depth to the story; Lugaru’s story was really just revenge for the murder of the protagonist’s tribe. It was simple and lended itself to a ‘Taken’ sort of vibe. Overgrowth’s story… I can’t even remember what it was about. I remember there was some annoying platforming (where the climb and movement mechanics killed me rather than my own mistakes), but that’s about it.
The level design is OK. There are some interesting parts and some frustrating parts. I do enjoy the mix of stealth and out right combat.

The combat is where Overgrowth really suffers. Lugaru (the predecessor you remember) had beautiful, fluid, dangerous combat that required skill. Overgrowth’s combat, by comparison, feels awkward, shallow, and button-mashy. I know that’s not very descriptive. I have had some enjoyable fights, but most are rather boring.

The modding community has released several campaigns that are quite good. I’d love to see more from the community because I think this is where Overgrowth’s potential lies.

Extra Tags: Overgrowth, Overgrowth download, download Overgrowth, free Overgrowth, Overgrowth free, Overgrowth full, play Overgrowth, Overgrowth play, Overgrowth dl, Overgrowth pc

The combat of Overgrowth is exhilaratingly fun with everything's working as it should, but that’s not very often. You also have to get used to the wonky and weird way it interprets both combat strikes and landings. It's a shame that everything else about Overgrowth, whether it's the story, the level design, or even the physics system, feels undercooked. It's not hard to find some fun here, but it's fun you'll soon forget.
  • Movement
  • Combat
  • Characters and story
  • Price
Gameplay - 7.6
Graphics - 7.8
Audio - 7.7
Longevity - 7.9

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