Unheard! Put on your headphones and step back into the past. Use the voices you hear to return to crime scenes, tracking down each individual involved and solving the cases. But where do the voices come from? Can you trust what you hear? And what’s the mysterious thread weaving all of these cases together?
Step through time as you use our device to eavesdrop on conversations from past crime scenes. Every clue, every move, and every motive will be presented in the form of audio. Rather than controlling any one character, you only need listen to their conversations, following along as the story evolves. Use the information you hear to match names to voices and determine how everything (and everyone) is related. Can you discover the truth?
Don’t expect to be “fed” a pile of clues. Rather, take the role of a fly on the wall, observing and listening to the events as they unfold. Anyone could be the culprit; key clues may be revealed at any second; any character’s storyline may cross paths with another at any point in time. YOU be the editor—the order of the story is up to you!
Unheard Review
The main premise of this game is that you are a detective attempting to solve cases. However the unique part is that you are only given a floor plan and complete a complete audio stream of what happened in the minutes leading up to the crime. You’ll have to accurately deduce which character is which just by listening in on their conversations, and solve several key question related to the case.
Simply following one or two people won’t provide you with the full context to what happened so you’ll need to follow most if not all of the characters to find all of your answers.
It’s an interesting premise and it is quite fun to figure out the story piece by piece, as you hear a new part of the conversation that completely changes the context of what you’ve already heard.
There are two main criticisms I have of the game though. First, the game is pretty short. The playtime only clocks in at a few hours, and there’s little incentive to return once you’ve already heard everything there is to hear.
Second is that the difficulty is fairly low. In most cases just about everyone will have their name said loudly by their conversation partner so it’s really just busywork filling it out. I feel that there could have been more clever indirect ways to reveal a characters identity. Although, there were a couple of key questions that did force me to think a bit, even after I had heard it all.
Overall, it’s a fairly nice experience. It might be worth waiting on a sale though. I have heard that the dev plans on releasing more content that is more challenging with at least some of it being free, so hopefully it will remedy the issues I have with this game.
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