Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes. Slime Rancher is a charming, first-person, sandbox experience. Play as Beatrix LeBeau: a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range.’

Each day will present new challenges and risky opportunities as you attempt to amass a great fortune in the business of slime ranching. Collect colorful slimes, grow crops, harvest resources, and explore the untamed wilds through the mastery of your all-purpose vacpack.

The renowned rancher, Hobson Twillgers, has passed his ranch on to you. Get it back up and running, discover the secrets hidden on this mysterious planet, and dominate the Plort Market.

  • Grow crops and raise chickadoos to feed your collection of hungry slimes.
  • Complete daily requests from other ranchers to get bonus rewards.
  • Earn money to upgrade your vacpack, build more corrals, or expand your ranch.
  • Use Slime Science to find rare resources, craft decorations, and create gadgets that will help you on your adventures.
  • Explore a sprawling world loaded with lots of secrets and hidden treasures.

Slime Rancher Review

Slime Rancher pulls off a PR coup that fast food corporations would kill for: it’s battery farming, but adorable with it. Monomi Park’s cutesy farm sim has no truck with free-range and GM-free—it’s about cramming as many colourful blobs as you can into tiny pens, gorging them on snacks, then sucking up their plorts (that is, poop) with your vacuum gun and selling it for the highest rate. It’s the kind of horror show that has you hankering for that chlorinated chicken you keep hearing about. On the other hand: ahh, look at their little faces.

Getting your slime prison operational is pretty straightforward. Venture out into the wild and you’ll find all manner of slimes oozing out of the landscape. They’re so abundant and simple to catch, in fact, that you can practically fill all four of your gun’s storage canisters in the first 15 minutes. Managing your captives proves trickier. Should the dumb blobs devour the turds of a different species, they mutate into a hybrid, potentially causing havoc and disrupting your operations.

A very good game, addictive farming simulator esentially, and will hold you for a solid 30 hours. It’s colorful and cute, and from capturing the first slime and feeding it till the events at the glass desert, you will be glued to this game. Story mode is relaxing, rush mode is fast and fun. At first you will love pink slimes, then you will hate them, and at the end of the game you will love them again after realizing their largo combinations look the best (when you mix up a pink slime and a seed from another slime that’s not pink you get a big slime that has characteristics of both). My favourite largos are the hunter and the honey slime combo, pink slime and glass slime combo, and the rock and dervish slime combo. They are all very cute.

Extra Tags: Slime Rancher, Download Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Download, Free Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Free, Slime Rancher Game, Slime Rancher play

Slime Rancher is the cutest game you will ever play. Artwork is amazing and its surprisingly addictive. When I first saw this game I didnt understand the point or how this game could actually be fun. Thankfully I was wrong, this game is so much fun and I highly recommend it.
  • Visually captivating
  • Soundtrack is relaxing and perfect for the game.
  • Addicting
  • Not a lot of replayability
Gameplay - 9
Graphics - 9
Audio - 9
Longevity - 8

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