DCS World Steam Edition
Feel the excitement of flying the Su-25T “Frogfoot” attack jet and the TF-51D “Mustang” in the free-to-play Digital Combat Simulator World!
Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) 2.5 is a free-to-play digital battlefield game and simulation environment. Our dream is to offer the most authentic and realistic simulation of military aircraft, tanks, ground vehicles and ships possible. This free download includes a vast mission area of the Caucasus region and Black Sea that encompasses much of Georgia. It also includes a flyable Russian Sukhoi Su-25T ground attack aircraft and the famous WWII North American TF-51D fighter. An additional 25 aircraft are available for purchase.
The download comes with one of the most powerful mission editor ever designed, full network play and more than 156 AI weapons systems, 105 ground vehicles and trains, 50 air defense systems, 19 ships and 84 AI aircraft permitting you to plan and play highly sophisticated missions. DCS World is massively extensible through additional DCS modules as well as user-made add-ons and mods which you can purchase and download from our site.
DCS is a true “sandbox” simulation that is also designed to cover multiple time periods of interest such as WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf War and others. Current regions to battle include the Caucasus, Nevada Test and Training Range, and Normandy 1944. New maps in development include the Persian, Syria, Afghanistan, and others.
DCS World is fundamentally a deep, authentic and realistic simulation designed also to offer a more relaxed gameplay to suit the user and his particular level of experience and training. The ambition is to hand hold users from novice pilot all the way to the most advanced and sophisticated operator of such complex weapons systems as the A-10C Warthog or the F/A-18C Hornet. The only next step is the real thing!
Key features of DCS World 2.5:
- The most realistic Free-to-Play digital battlefield ever.
- One-of-a-kind, internally developed graphics engine that looks amazing from 0 to 80,000 feet.
- Includes a beautiful, free, and highly detailed map of the Caucasus region that includes south western Russia and Georgia.
- Includes millions of buildings, millions of km of usable roads and railways, more than 50 million trees, and 20 fully-equipped operational airbases.
- Includes 156 free and fully operational weapons systems, 105 ground vehicles, 19 ships and 84 AI-controlled aircraft.
- Fly the TF-51 Mustang and Su-25T attack jet for free!
- Play all DCS World modules from one DCS World version.
- State-of-the-art graphics with amazing lighting, shadows, and performance.
- New breathtaking effects for explosions, clouds, fog, fire, and smoke.
- Hundreds of land, air and seaborne AI vehicles. The world is your sandbox.
- Create your own missions and campaigns for unlimited gameplay!
- Mission generator included allowing rapid mission creation.
DCS World Steam Edition Review
In order to understand what DCS World is, you must first understand what it isn’t: DCS is not a fighter combat game. If that’s what you’re looking for, go download War Thunder; you’ll have hours of fun with it. DCS is a high fidelity simulation geared towards pilots, sim-heads and plane geeks — of which I am all three, therefore I absolutely adore it. If you fall into that same category, go ahead and push the download button then come back to finish reading. If, however, you’re an average gamer looking to jump into a plane and start blowing away the bad guys, it’s very likely that you’ll be sorely disappointed with DCS.
The focus in DCS is realism, literally down to every switch, knob and light bulb. The people who love this simulation crave detail, and it provides that in spades. But you must love to fly. I don’t mean you glance at planes occasionally and think, “That’s cool.” I mean you have to be the sort of guy who spent hours and days and months as a little boy thumbing through books about planes, watching television shows about them, and generally absorbing every detail you could. You skipped meals and let your rent run late as a young adult so you could afford your next lesson in a beat-up old 152 at the local asphalt strip. You have strong opinions about the viability of the F-22 vis-a-vis the F-15 on a cost/return ratio. In other words, you eat, sleep and breathe aircraft.
DCS is a plane hobbyist’s dream, and it is deliciously difficult, providing an enormous feeling of accomplishment for every task: cold starts, taxiing, take offs, radio navigation, and landing are just a few examples. The combat is simply the icing on the cake; the real object here is learning to fly the various aircraft in all their hyper-detailed glory: cussing when you burn out the starter on the P-51 because you forgot to turn the fuel booster pump on; reveling in a successful crosswind landing on a short strip at dusk; setting up a clean Maverick attack and executing it perfectly then rolling off into a valley; or finding an airfield at the last possible moment and bringing a damaged bird in on fumes and prayers.
Hey, it’s free; try it out. Just set your expectations for what you’re getting into. If you’re looking to be shooting down the Hun five minutes after the download completes, you’ll almost certainly be wasting your time here. But if you had internalized “lifty-thrusty-draggy” by the age of 12 and are still willing to engage in a lengthy debate about the relative merits of the XB-70 Valkyrie program, you’ll adore DCS. It was made just for you. Welcome home.
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