Reincarnation is the foundation of our way of life. We celebrate the lives we’ve been given, and offer up prayers for the next.
It is grief of death which shackles the living, and causes the dead to stray. Indeed, there is no greater affront to reincarnation.
So do we turn our grief to joy as we send off the dead.
But the souls of those who held back their tears in life still need salvation in death. A duty that falls to the Watchers.
Their task is to guide the wandering souls known as the Lost, and serve as keepers of the Living World and the Beyond.
The Watchers sever the bonds that tie the Lost to this world, and send them on to the next. They navigate the emotions of the living and the dead. They prize life above all else.
This is the story of one Watcher.
Experience fast-paced, free-flowing gameplay with real time battles.
Battle enemies taking advantage of the Daemons Battle System making use of a variety of exciting weapons.
Character Customisation
Bind your hero, Kagachi with different Daemons to enhance his skills and abilities whilst in battle.
Daemon Battle System
Strategize in battle by choosing a Daemon that matches the enemy’s traits. Watch as Kagachi possess the Daemon power, entering a variety of states to increase attack levels.
Bold Graphics
Enjoy vivid graphics carefully drawn to convey the drastic contrast between the ‘Living World’ and the ‘Beyond’.
ONINAKI’s powerful story is brought to life further through emotional cut scenes, events and intimate conversations.
Oninaki Review
After “I am Setsuna” and “Lost Sphear” comes ONINAKI. A fun, but very flawed game not unlike their predecessors.
Overall, the story was alright but not that interesting. The story revolves around the concept of life and death and how we shouldn’t mourn the dead because it makes them cling to the world of the living. It throws plot points at you to keep you engaged, to then throw out said plot points only 30 minutes later. Characters get introduced here and there and quite randomly killed off for no rhyme or reason. This makes it very hard to connect with any character, because you know they just end up at the bottom of the plot barrel in a few hours. In general, the story’s alright but forgettable.
Graphics and music I have very little to say about. Graphics are very much alright and some locales even look pretty, but there’s nothing that stands out. Most of the music is just unimpactful piano tracks that do nothing to keep you immersed, they’re just there.
Lastly, the switch to action based combat is a nice change from what the previous two games offered and I think this is what made me enjoy this game more than the previous two. It makes things just a bit more fun from what is overall a pretty bland game.
So, all in all I did enjoy some parts of this but it’s very mediocre. I can’t really recommend this at $50, but at a (much) lower price point I would say this is worth a purchase. I have put 40 hours in this game and done most content except the side-quests.
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