Secret Neighbor
Secret Neighbor is a multiplayer Social Horror game set in the Hello Neighbor universe. A group of kids try to sneak into their creepy Neighbor’s house. Events of the game take place between Act 1 and 2 of the original Hello Neighbor game. 6 players sneak into the house, trying to get into the locked basement door — only to realize one of them is the Neighbor in disguise.
As the Neighbor, you choose from several classes and use everything in your power to prevent intruders from succeeding. Initially, you are in disguise, and it’s up to you to gain trust of other players to lure them away form the group and have them go missing. Your arsenal consists of useful gadgets such as bear traps, a secret control room, smoke bombs, and more. The best players in the game are the ones who convince groups of people that someone else is the Neighbor. It feels like that scene from “The Thing” where characters test each other for who’s the traitor. Practice your roleplay skills.
A group of friends are searching for their missing friend. Everyone thinks he’s locked in the creepy Neighbor’s basement. The only logical thing to do is to break into the neighbor’s house and into his basement. Intruders come equipped with classes and different abilities. Bagger will have extra storage space, Brave will be able to give everyone a speed boost, the Detective knows where the keys are, and more. Using these abilities, players need to scavenge the house for basement keys, and valuable loot they can use to upgrade their skills and equipment.
Secret Neighbor Review
Secret Neighbor is a great game, it’s a 5v1 deception horror game where theres 6 kids but one is secretly the neighbor, it can be very fun to play against randoms (with or without mics) or friends and family.
The goal is to get all of the keys to unlock the basement door and win, which you will also have to find keycards to get through many of the doors, I believe it should be lessened a slight bit, but besides that I think it is a good mechanic.
However the Neighbor is meant to make sure the kids don’t open the door, the neighbor can make the kids go missing or if time runs out the neighbor automatically wins.
Classes are very charming and unique opposed to the “Custom Class” system we had before, which all have personalities.
As the Neighbor, you have to progress by finding these mechanical machines that you use to level up, at level 1 you get to be able to transform into the neighbor.
Chasing is very fun and balanced and the music is well-done, some classes allow you to be more offensive and better in chases while others allow you to be more supportive.
The shop was done correctly, there is a currency but there is no MTX meaning it’s only earnable through gameplay.
The map is pretty good, you’ll never really get tired of it for a long time actually. It is creative and meant to be confusing since you will end up having to take alot of alternative routes during gameplay.
Items are good, however some can be a bit useless, for example the power milk, I have never used it but it is barely needed at all because the throwing distance you do have is definitely close enough for the neighbor chasing you.
Music, well-done. Chase music is intense but it’s not as anxiety-inducing due to having no heart-beats, which is great.
Over-all, the game is great but it has some bugs and could have a few tweaks here and there, but I would give it a 8/10, Wonderful game.
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