TY the Tasmanian Tiger

TY the Tasmanian Tiger

G’day mate! Things can be a bit confusing at times, so let me remind you what’s going on…
You are TY, the last of the Tasmanian Tigers. Raised by a family of Bilbies, you can only vaguely recall your real parents. You’ve always thought that all the other Tassie Tigers died a long time ago.

But then the Bunyip Elder found you, and told you that your family is alive, but trapped in the Dreaming. Now hold your horses… don’t get upset… you see they’re not stuck there forever, if you’re up for a bit of an adventure!
You see, deep in the Outback, there’s this kind of glowy portal thing that is a doorway to the Dreaming. And around that portal there are some carvings in the rock, where five ancient mystical Talismans used to lay. Now, all you have to do is find the five Talismans, put them in the carvings, and the portal to Dreaming will open!

Now, before you go off like a frog in a sock, there’s just this one SMALL problem. You see there’s this evil cassowary – Boss Cass – who’s also after the Talismans. Yes. THAT Boss Cass. The one that trapped your family in the Dreaming in the first place, and told the school board to remove all the meat pies from the tuck shops. And if you didn’t think that made him enough of a megalomaniac, he’s ALSO trapped a whole bunch of your Bilby mates in cages all across the outback… something about overdue library books… Anyways, if you want to open the portal, you’ll have to beat him and his henchmen to the Talismans!

Don’t worry though, you won’t be alone! You’ll have a bunch of friends to help you along the way, including me – your old mate, Maurie. Now let’s get down to brass tacks, find those Talismans, and rescue your family!


  • Explore 17 levels of the Australian Outback in their old-school 3D platforming glory
  • 13 different boomerangs including the Frostyrang, Flamerang and powerful Doomerang
  • Improved graphics; including updated shadows, reflections, HD resolutions and 60fps
  • Steamworks integration for achievements and leaderboards

TY the Tasmanian Tiger Review

If you’ve played and enjoyed (how couldn’t you?) Ty the Tasmanian Tiger in the past, you should pick up this game now. You wouldn’t be looking at reviews if you weren’t considering it already.

That said, on to the review for those of you that still aren’t so sure. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger was originally released on Gamecube, the original Xbox, and the PlayStation 2. I spent countless hours getting lost in this game as a kid and I was ecstatic to see that they decided to port it over to PC.

The story is pretty accessible, but you have to pay attention to some of the NPCs’ dialogue and cutscenes if you want to really follow along. It can be easy to miss. If you accidentally skip a cutscene, you can watch them from the main menu.

Ty is a 3D platformer. You can do mostly what you’d expect with a game of this genre. You can jump, swim, glide, and climb your way through levels. The movement mechanics are tight, so any issues with falling off or missing a jump is probably your fault, as it should be.

In every level there will be enemies for you to take down, items to collect, and friends to help. Thankfully, you will be growing an arsenal of boomerangs to help you accomplish these tasks with style. I really enjoy the variety of boomerangs to collect. Some are more utilitarian to help you find hidden items, and others can set your enemies on fire or slow down time. There’s a ‘rang out there for just about everyone.

I’m looking forward to seeing where the developers take this game. I know they have a few more improvements in the pipeline but the game feels like a finished product to me. They did a great job. The more copies they sell, the more reasons they have to port Ty 2 and Ty 3. Let’s make it happen, people!

Extra Tags: TY the Tasmanian Tiger, TY the Tasmanian Tiger download, download TY the Tasmanian Tiger, free TY the Tasmanian Tiger, TY the Tasmanian Tiger free, TY the Tasmanian Tiger full, play TY the Tasmanian Tiger, TY the Tasmanian Tiger play, TY the Tasmanian Tiger dl, TY the Tasmanian Tiger pc

This truly is a great game from the PS2 era! I'm so glad that Krome has ported/HD-ified it on over to the PC! If you like a good platformer, enjoy classic 3D platformers like Super Mario 64, or Crash Bandicoot, then you will enjoy this game!
  • A classic brought back
  • It's a solid platformer
  • Quirky characters
  • Has a few camera twitches
Gameplay - 7.6
Graphics - 7.5
Audio - 7.7
Longevity - 7.8

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